1904–1943 ?
Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan Homestead Records
No dates are given in the finding aid.
Swanson, Clarence: NE 5-34-02-W2
(Selmer has a homestead record for an adjacent quarter: NW 5-34-02-W2, so this is probably our Clarence. These locations are not near the town of Swanson.)
There do not seem to be any pertinent records in the Minnesota People Records Search, comprising birth records from 1900 to 1934, and death records from 1904 to 2001.
Minnesota Death Records – possible matches
Clarence H. died January 17, 1934, Hennepin County
Clarence. died , April 1, 1941, Ramsey County
Clarence was one of my father Roy Swanson‘s four brothers. My father recalled that their mother Theolene sometimes sent him (Roy) to bring Clarence back from a beer joint. He died of alcoholism, according to Roy.
My brother Jeff has heard that Clarence died in Chicago.
Photos with Clarence

Possible photos with Clarence
The Directory of Minnesota Photographers / Galleries and Studios lists a Remembrandt Grand Studio with a Minneapolis address. The studio operated from 1813 to 1923. Clarence would have been 19 in 1923 if he was born in 1904.